We will print out and display your photographs. This will be done to professional standards, so your work will look mint.
Please email photographs as .jpgs or .pdf, along with a brief description of content, e.g. names of people.
We can handle .tiff, .psd and other formats but this is harder; don’t let this put you off though, so get in touch if you are not sure.
For video either email or send on a DVD, CD or datastick with info about format so we can download for video displays and projection during the exhibition.
The maximum size of files that we can handle via email is 18MB.
If you have photos or video on the web (Facebook, blogs, Flickr or anywhere else) please let us know. There may be brilliant images on your sites which would help get the PlayToon message across and we will check through work and ask for copies .
Material should be emailed to
michael.jeffries@northumbria.ac.ukAddress: Mike Jeffries, Department of Geography, Ellison Building, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST
Deadline 15th April 2012.
All work shown will be credited and remains your copyright.
This not a commercial or corporate event; all those involved are doing it because we take part in or support the street sport scenes around Tyneside and want to show off and promote these scenes; Urban Games, 4-Sight, Native, NEPK, Digital Deekies.
The work will be used for the
PlayToon exhibition, which will feature in
Newcastle’s Late Show programme, and some be incorporated in an exhibition in London later in 2012 as part of the
London Festival of Architecture, which is all about the playful city
What kinds of images?
Portraits & people: You and your mates, either single portraits or groups so we can represent the sheer numbers and mix of people from the street sport scenes.
Photos of people hanging out together as well as doing tricks and stunts.
Roots, culture & history of the local scenes: Photos of you and your mates telling your story, days out, epic spots, lost spots, legends from the Tyneside scene, big events, classic sessions, jams and parties, training.
Have you got an old photo of you and your first skateboard or BMX? Any photos from back in the day and spots no longer so easy to use, e.g. Haymarket? The discovery and building of spots. Favourite food, clothes, boards, bikes
Even injuries you are proud of....
Top spots: Where are Tyneside’s skate, BMX and free running scenes?
How your use, re-invent, change and play with the city are important.